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Terms & conditions



Hereby we present terms and conditions for all transactions made between "URKYE" Urszula Jerzak (Shop) and Customer.





All parcels are sent within one working day since Shop receives payment for order. In special circumstances the dispatch date may be delayed to two working days.

Working days: all days excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.


Customers from Poland can pay via bank draft, e-transfer, with credit card or via C.O.D. mailing. Foreign Customers can pay via Paypal service or with credit card.

All orders should be paid within 14 regular (not working) days. All orders that were not paid within this period of time will be cancelled.

Delivery cost

Delivery cost depends on type of transport and total weight of ordered items.



Shipping cost



Delivery cost depends on total weight of parcel and destination. All parcels are sent as registered and prioritate. Please note that any additional duty charges applicable in the destination country are payable by the recipient.

 Shipping cost


Average weight of clothes :

- shirt/top - 0,2-0,3 kg

- dress - 0,4-0,5 kg


If parcel seems to be damaged or open, please prepare in presence of courier or postal service representative special form where the quality of parcel should be described. Please do not pick up such parcel and do not open it. If such parcel is picked up by Customer, complaint time could elongate due to complaint policy of delivery firms.

If parcel was lost by delivery company, please contact us at pomoc@urkye.pl to solve the situation.

Due to safety reasons valuable orders can be divided into 2 (or more) parcels. In such case Customer will be informed by e-mail.






All items which Customer wants to return or exchange, should be send back to Shop (address in Contact page) within 14 days since delivery. All returned items should be intact, undamaged, clean (including smells) and with original labels. Returned goods should be send back to Shop with receipt and filled in exchange/return form (if possible).

Customer is asked to secure returned/exchanged items so they will not be destroyed during delivery. Delivery cost of returned goods is paid by Customer.

For all returned goods Customer is asked to obtain a certificate or receip of posting.


To exchange items Customer is asked to make a new order for items that should be sent for exchanged goods. Please put number of exchange order inside exchange form.

Return/exchange form - download


Delivery cost of exchanged goods should be paid by Customer.

If total cost of new order is higher than previous one, parcel will be sent to Customer as soon as Customer pays the difference between orders and delivery cost.

If total cost of new order is lower than previous one, parcel will be sent to Customer within one working day if Customer pays delivery cost. If difference between new and previous order is higher than delivery cost, new parcel will be sent to Customer within one working day and rest of money will be paid back to Customer.

All exchanges and returns will be finalized within 5 working days after delivery. If exchange/return is approved by Shop, any difference in price will be paid back to Customer within 5 working days after approval.



Please note that we are unable to accept parcels that have been returned to us via C.O.D. mailing!





We do our best to ensure that products we send are in perfect condition, but if Customer notices that any garment is damaged, is asked to send it back to our shop together with complaint form and a receipt (if possible). All shipping details are available in Contact page.


Complaint form - download


Customer is asked to inform Shop about any damaged or faulty item within 14 working days since delivery. Customer can choose between refund or exchange an item to a new one. Damaged or faulty goods will be exchanged to new one, if possible. Shop will answer to complaint within 14 days.


If damage is made by Customer, the complaint would not be accepted.



Please note that we are unable to accept parcels that have been returned to us via C.O.D. mailing!






Website uses cookies to provide services. You can specify the conditions for storage or for access to the cookies in your browser.

Personal data given by Customers of www.urkye.pl are used by "URKYE" Urszula Jerzak, based in Wiry, Malinowa 24 only to process orders, despatch orders and payment process. You can contact URKYE by mail, email (info@urkye.pl) or phone (48797550020). 

Personal data are being collected during registration, placing an order as an unregister Customer, adding an e-mail to a newsletter mailing list and in contact form.

If Customer gives his/her approval, personal data may be used also to inform about new products, services and promotions offered by the store.

Personal information is provided voluntarily by the Customer. However, it is necessary for the realization of the order.

We will not pass on your details to third parties for marketing purposes.

Every Customer has the right to access their personal data. At any time, may request their correction, addition or deletion.





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